Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Homemade Garlic Drink – Effective Remedy That Can Purify Your Blood And Clean Blood Vessels

The health benefits of garlic juice are powerful.  Garlic serves as an effective antibiotic that helps your immune system ward off colds, and  the antioxidants in garlic can help prevent cell damage and expel toxins. It contains phytochemicals which help in liver detoxification. You can chew a few pieces of raw garlic for best results or sprinkle garlic powder on your food which will add to the flavor.It is also beneficial in detoxifying your system and in purifying your blood by aiding digestion.  Regular consumption of garlic will detoxify the stomach by reducing toxins and rejuvenating the blood.

Homemade Garlic Drink – Effective Remedy That Can Purify Your Blood And Clean Blood Vessels

Ingredients needed:
  • 12 cloves of garlic
  • ½ a liter of red wine
Method of preparation:
  1. Chop the garlic cloves in 4 pieces and place them in a jar.
  2. Add half a liter of wine in the jar and close the jar.
  3. Put the jar on a “sunny” window for two weeks.
  4. Make sure you shake the jar several times during those two weeks.
  5. When the medicine is ready, strain it and put it in a glass bottle.
Take one teaspoon of this drink at least three times a day for about a month. After you run out of this medicine take a six months break before you re-do it.

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