Thursday, July 28, 2016

She Rubs Aloe Vera On Her Hair. What Happens After 5 Minutes Will Surprise You!

If your hair doesn’t grow fast enough then this article is for you. We will present you an amazing Indian formula for fast hair growth and by fast we mean really fast.
This recipe is easy, simple, and effective.
You will need coconut oil and some castor oil, then some vitamin E capsules which you can find in some medicine shops and finally  Aloe vera leaves and a bowl.
First cut the aloe vera leafs in to peaces. Remove the thorns and slice it very nicely from the center.  Now, run a knife or a fork through the gel for a few times so you can scrape the gel very easily.
Take the leaf  massage it on your scalp.You can massage it randomly and then use your fingers to make sure that your entire scalp is covered very well.
Next thing you need to do is take 1 tablespoon of castor oil, add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil.
Take one vitamin E capsule and very gently pierce it with a needle or anything that is pointy.
Take this oil mixture and place it in a bowl with hot water. Don’t place this oil directly on fire or microwave because it can be extremely dangerous and to catch fire.
After five minutes the hot oil should be ready for application.
Now the massage  part is very simple and pleasant , use your fingertips  like In any regular head massage. Do this process for 5 minutes.
After that 5 minutes, rest your head on a pillow. While resting start massaging  your scalp again gently. This is important because it enhance the blood circulation. 2-3 minutes are enough, now tie your hair up in a very tight braid.
It is recommended to store the mixture in a glass bottle an repeat the process 4-5 times a week.
Your hair growth will increase for 45-55 % and the difference will be noticeable very soon.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Mix These 2 Things Before Bed And Never Wake Up Tired Again

If you want to be healthy you need a good sleep every night. But not everyone can have a good night’s sleep because of stress, work, and so on. It is very sad that people today don’t even have the time to get enough sleep.
Getting enough sleep is good because it is involved in healing and repairing of your heart and blood vessels. Studies have showed that average amount of sleep has been decreasing from 7-8 hours to 5-6 hours. Now you think that this is not a huge difference only 1 to 2 hours less sleeping, but you can’t imagine what is happening with your body. The body is working so hard to keep you up during your daily activities, and at the end of the day your body also needs rest, to recover and recharge to do the same activities all over again. Don’t think that getting a cup of coffe will fix everything, when you didn’t get enough sleep, and that if you don’t get enough sleep will just make you a little tired the next day. Coffe maybe will help in some way, but that is not a permanent fix.
Health and Lack of Sleep
Another studies have showed that people who have a sleep less than 6 hours are at an increased risk of heart disease. So you need to understand that a lack of sleep can cause of a lot diseases.
The European Heart Journal’s review of 15 medical studies in 2011, which involved 475,000 people with less hours of sleep had almost 50% increased risk of developing or even dying from heart disease, and that also they have 15% more risk to die from stroke too.
It is not just that lack of sleep can get you a lot of health problems, if you also sleep very long you can have health problems too. The study showed also that if you sleep nine or more hours a night you can have almost 40% in developing or dying from heart disease and unbeliveble 65% increased risk of stroke. So you need to balance your sleeping time.
Lack of sleep can also make your blood pressure higher. This was found on another similar study. While we sleep, the body uses that time to lower the blood pressure, and it is logical if you don’t sleep enough, there won’t be enough time to the body to lower the blood pressure.
Daily Distractions
Like we mentioned above people can’t have good night’s sleep because of stress, current events, family situations. But one of the biggest factors why in today modern world people can’t get enough of sleep is using a lot of technology, but we still don’t realize that.
Thanks to Mother Nature, we can have a natural solution to this problem.
The Ultimate Sleep Solution
This solution is very simple with just 2 ingredients. It will help your body to relax from the stressful day you had, and it will help your body to prepare for the next day. So this is the key to have a good night’s sleep. The 2 ingredients that you will need are:
-5 teaspoons of organic raw honey
-1 teaspoon of pink Himalayan sea salt
Store this two ingredients in a glass jar and mix them. 5:1 ratio works the best, but you can make as much or as little as you want. Now all you need to do is to put a bit of this mixture under your tongue every night before you go to sleep and let it dissolve naturally.
Salt and Honey
More than 80 minerals and elements that your body needs can be found in Himalayan sea salt. They are needed for different processes, aiding your body in recovering from the day. Glucose supplies our body’s cells with energy, and of course glucose can be found in honey.
So if you don’t think that you can face the next day, this is the solution for you. It is natural and it is very good because this salt and honey combination works to increase serotonin as well, helping us to distress naturally, so that means that you will have the best sleep ever.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Mind Blowing Reasons Why Aloe Vera Is A Miracle Medicine Plant. You Will Never Buy Expensive Products Again!

Aloe Vera is not only extremely healthy for your organism, it is also easily found in grocery stores and you can grow Aloe Vera at your own home, as well.
If you are into growing your own plants, it is good to know that the Aloe Vera needs occasional watering, sunlight and a little fertilization.
By raising your own Aloe Vera, you are making sure that you are using 100% natural and organic products. If you have not been acquainted with this plant yet, it has small, wide leaves which are full of gel and can be easily collected for health purposes.
You can only split one leaf in half and squeeze the gel out of it- and you are done! To learn more on homegrown Aloe Vera you have to know all its benefits, so here is the full list:
Topical uses of Aloe Vera:
  • Treats acne and eczema
  • Reduces rashes, boils, and other skin irregularities
  • Helps burns heal
  • Stops bug bites irritation and itching
  • Hydrates the skin
  • Fills in wrinkles
  • Heal wounds
  • Serves as a hair conditioner and shampoo against hair loss
  • Makes up a perfect shaving gel
Internal uses of Aloe Vera:
  • Boosts the immunity
  • Regulates the blood sugar
  • Prevents digestive disorders such as bloating, constipation, IBS and colitis, and soothes the stomach
  • Helps with reducing heartburn and indigestion
  • Improves the heart’s work and the blood’s quality
  • Keeps the gums healthy
  • Diminishes the risk for arthritis inflammation
  • Strengthens the urinary tract performance
  • Encourages the production of white blood cells
This plant originates from Northern Africa and the first uses of it were noticed back in the Egyptian Papyrus called ebers. These presented around twelve different recipes on how to use Aloe Vera to the best of its abilities.
From that point on, Aloe Vera has become the ultimate remedy for numerous diseases and found its place in both traditional and alternative medicine.
Moral of the story: avoid as much artificial medication as possible and try to use Aloe Vera instead for the best health benefits ever.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Coca-Cola is an interesting company.
They’re best known, of course, for producing soft drinks — with 1.8 billion units sold each day.
Soda is a product that’s criticized by even the mainstream media for being horrendously unhealthy and contributing to obesity and diabetes. It triggers pleasure centers in the same way as heroin, and it’s more accessible and costs less than water in some parts of the world.
All of this is catching up to Coca-Cola in a decline in the demand for unhealthy soft drinks, but they’ve still managed to find major success thanks to products aimed at health-conscious consumers such as Honest Tea, Powerade and Simply Orange.
Efforts to maintain a good face for the increasingly health-conscious public have recently hit a major snag.
This was revealed when the state’s Attorney General sued the Grocery Manufacturers’ Association, the umbrella group behind much of the anti GMO-labeling efforts.
GMA logo
The GMA has been criticized by many health experts, and has even been accused of surpassing Monsanto as “the most evil corporation on the planet.”
They make no effort to hide their anti-GMO agenda, making them the perfect company for large corporations like Coca-Cola.
But now that the truth is out, health experts have yet another reason to discourage consumers from buying anything made by Coca-Cola.
Image: Coca-Cola
Image: Coca-Cola
Andrew Kimbrell, founder of the Center for Food Safety, commented:
Consumers of healthy beverages want to know what’s in their food. By using money from sales of natural brands to secretly fund an anti-choice agenda that deprives consumers of the right to know what they’re eating, Coca-Cola has been betraying the public interest and standing on the wrong side of history.

The irony is that Honest Tea’s website proudly claims the product is GMO free while their profits are channelled by their parent company towards efforts that undermine the anti-GMO movement.

What’s Coca-Cola’s response? When asked by the Food Revolution Network for an explanation, they gave the usual anti-labelling talking points, saying Washington’s GMO labeling initiative would require tens of thousands of common food and beverage products to be relabelled exclusively for Washington State.

And now you know. So what can you do about it?

Well, to start, you can stay away from anything produced by Coca-Cola as a means of not only keeping yourself healthy but voting with dollars as well.
You can also take direct action against Coca-Cola’s anti-labeling efforts by signing this petition on

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Strawberry Face Mask For Acne Care, Oil Control, Skin Brightening and More

Strawberry is an important food for the skin, when eaten and applied topically. This fruit has many benefits and that’s why you should use for a refreshing skin care treatment.
Strawberry contains high levels of salicylic acid, which can treat acne, it is also rich in antioxidants, and other nutrients which can brighten your skin, exfoliate dead skin cells, fade blemishes and nourish your skin for that healthy glowing look.
Here is how to prepare strawberry face mask:
  • 2 – 3 ripe strawberries (mashed)
  • 2 tsp. plain yogurt
  • 2 tsp. honey
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
Apply the mask on your clean face. Leave it on for about 10 minutes, then wash it off with warm water. Dry your face with a clean towel. This mixture can be stored in a refrigerator for up to a week.

Attention Women! It has discovered the Fountain of Youth – This miracle cure you can rejuvenate up to 10 years

Uric acid is produced by the body and should be expelled, the amount needed to have no problems at our joints.
That is why we must constantly check to see how are our levels.
For people who suffer from having a high uric acid, today we bring the recommendation of the use of magnesium chloride which has many benefits and will help control the levels of uric acid.
So now stop buying expensive medicines and learn how to prepare this recipe all you can do from home, with ingredients and natural remedies the best ingredients that act on our health and that are at our fingertips.

Magnesium chloride: preparation, uses, benefits

The only ingredients to prepare this are:
  • Magnesium chloride
  • Water
Preparation : magnesium chloride can get it at any pharmacy. Water should be brought to a boil, then let it sit until it takes a stable room temperature.
Then you must add 33 grams of magnesium chloride.
  • Between 10 and 40 years: half a cup in the morning.
  • Between 40 and 70 years: 1 cup in the morning.
  • 70 and over: 1 cup in the morning and another cup at night.
What are the benefits?
– Helps maintain arteries and prevents atherosclerosis.
– Prevents the formation of warts and tumors.
– Help the woman in regulating premenstrual symptoms.
– Prevents the formation of kidney stones.
– Helps fix calcium in our bones.
– Helps promote cell regeneration which means that helps rejuvenate.
– Prevents colds and viruses, as it strengthens our defenses and immune system.
We must take into account when using this product has other side effects, as it is a natural laxative.
It can not be taken by people who suffer from some form of kidney disease and not by those who are taking any antibiotics because this reduces the effect thereof.
They should avoid people with ulcerative colitis.

Monday, July 18, 2016

How to Make Ginger Wraps and Burn Belly Fat Overnight

The reasons behind weight gain are usually undesirable sustenance and sporadic activity. The weight loss process is a truly testing one. Did you know that the blazing technique is the most effective method for weight loss?
The best part about it is that you needn’t to go to the gym and you don’t need to starve yourself. It is important to mention that individuals, who have tried out different diets and work regimes and haven’t managed to lose weight, mustn’t be discouraged and give up easily.
This fat-smoldering strategy involves ginger wraps which will speed up the weight reduction, especially in the belly area.
In reality, belly fat requires a lot of activity in order to be decreased, as well as an adjusted regimen and a lot of water. Additionally, adequate rest is also crucial for the weight loss process.
1 ground ginger or ginger powder
4 to 5 drops of body lotion
Plastic wrap
A towel
A flexible band
First, soak the towel in warm water, squeeze the water out and then wrap it around the affected area. Leave it for 5 minutes so that it can open up the pores. Then, mix the ginger with the body lotion and apply it onto the affected area.
Afterwards, with the plastic wrap, wrap the area few times. At the end, place the flexible band over the plastic wrap. Leave the compress for 5 hours.
For optimal results, leave the compress overnight and remove it in the morning.
Important to know:
Don’t worry if you experience tingling at the beginning of the treatment, as this means that the method is working well. You will be amazed with the results after you notice how the belly fat, and other body fat, begins to decrease.
With this method you have nothing to lose because it is effective, cheap, and easy to make.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

She Soak a Piece of Bread in Vinegar and Put it on Her Thumb.. Definitely Worth Trying!!

Callus is the hardened and thickened part of the skin, with yellowish color, mostly in an area subjected to excessive force, pressure, or friction. If you don’t treat the callus on time, it can be very painful and moreover, it can cause serious skin infection.

Calluses often appear on the feet, because when we walk, the foot is the part which is mostly exposed to pressure.
Athletes, dancers, chefs, and musicians have higher risk of experiencing calluses due to their work demands.
However, there are other factors which can cause callus including uncomfortable shoes like tight fitting shoes or high heels.
We present you some natural remedies which can help in the treatment of calluses:
  1. Lemon
Take a peel of an organic lemon and put it on the callus. Cover with a gauze and secure it with a bandage, and let it stand overnight. You can take it off the following morning.
  1. Bread and Vinegar
Soak a piece of bread in white vinegar and put it on the callus. Cover with a gauze and secure it with a bandage. Let it stand during the night. You can remove it in the morning.
  1. Castor Oil
Apply some castor oil on your callus before going to bed. In the morning you will be surprised by its amazing results!
  1. Onion
Slice a piece of onion and marinate it in white vinegar for a few hours. Then, put the marinated onion on your callus. Cover with a gauze and secure it with a bandage. Let it stand overnight and you can take it off in the morning.
Source: Time For Natural Health Care

Friday, July 15, 2016

Worldwide Bum – By Using Spoons, Achieve Amazing Results For Facial Rejuvenation!

For each woman after thirtieth year of life, massage of the face is extremely important. Elasticity of skin gradually begins to weak and the subcutaneous tissue becomes more expressed. For keeping the beauty and youth one simple massage with spoons can help you which is recommended by German cosmetic doctor Rene Koh.
Why is this treatment so good? It is very simple. Because in home conditions amazing results can be achieved: the tissue will expel excess fluid of it, it will improve the blood circulation, will make the skin tight and elastic and will reduce visible wrinkles. All this without any additional cost…
If you practice every day, this massage for 10- 12 days you will achieve amazing results. The technique of this massage is very simple. You need to take tablespoons for coffee, a glass of cold water with ice cubes and small bowl with a little amount of warm oil (olive, flaxseed, sunflower, mangold). Then, perform this following procedure:
  • Remove makeup from your face, wash your face and apply moisturizing cream. Disinfect the tablespoons with alcohol and place them in the bowl with water and ice.
  • Press the cooled tablespoons on the upper lids and hold them like that for several seconds. Repeat this 5 times. Replace hot tablespoons with cold tablespoons. Do the same procedure with your lower lids. On this way you will get rid of the swellings on eyelids and eyes.
  • After it, place the spoons briefly in warm oil and you can begin with massaging the face. By pressing gently slide the spoons in your facial lines.
Basic massage lines:
  • By the forehead, in the upper part of the nose towards the temples and hair line
  • With circular movements by lids from the inner corner and again to it.
  • After the cheeks until the nose to the temples
  • From the chin to temples
  • By the neck from its beginning to chin
You should do each movement at least 10 times.
When the spoon will begin to slip hardly on the face, you should dip it into oil.
After the massage, you should wash your face with warm water.
The massage should last 10 minutes. Start with 1- 2 minutes and each day increase it for 1 minute. The 10
th day, the massage should last 10 minutes.
Even after the first day of application you will feel the effect.
Massage with spoons is not complicated, on the contrary it is very simple and cozy and it is great for rejuvenating the face.
You can practice it how much you want and whenever you want, it is not limited with time. But, it is best to do sets of 10- 12 days without interruption.

Unbelievable: Treat Diabetes, Asthma, Cholesterol And Kidney Diseases With Okra Water- Now You Can Make It Yourself

Okra is an incredibly nutritious plant native to North-East Africa. It is also known as “lady’s finger”, and due to its fibrous fruits, or “pods”, it is cultivated in all warm and tropical areas in the world.
Okra is an extremely beneficial plant as it is high in nutrients, so it is deservedly called “a nutrition hero.” Namely, it contains 21 milligrams of vitamin C, 2 grams of protein, 60 milligrams of magnesium, 3 grams of dietary fiber, 7.6 grams carbohydrates, 80 micrograms of folate, 0.1 grams of fat, and only 30 calories.
Okra can be consumed throughout the entire years, either fried, boiled, stewed or pickled.
These are some of the most important health benefits of okra:
  • It reduces cholesterol levels;
  • It is perfect for diabetics;
  • It boosts immunity;
  • It alleviates asthma symptoms;
  • It prevents kidney diseases;
  • It reduces the glucose amount absorbed from food.
The following recipe will provide a way to get all the amazing properties of okra. It will regulate blood sugar levels in a completely natural way, and it will boost your organism and restore its health.
All you need is a glass of fresh water and 2 fresh okras.
Method of preparation:
You should cut the okra’s heads and tails and place several pieces in the water. Then, leave them thus to steep during the night.
The next morning, you should drink the glass of water 10 minutes before the breakfast.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


The health benefits of drinking lemon water are very well documented. In the past, we’ve even recommendedyou drink a large glass of it first thing in the morning.
By doing so, as reported by Food Matters, you unlock a whole range of benefits that include boosting the immune system, improved digestion and strengthening of the liver.
Not to mention the fact that it can quench your thirst like no other flavored drink out there, something much appreciated as the hot summer months creep up on us.
But there’s a downside we often forget to mention when it comes to drinking lemon water and it’s no slouch…

Lemon Water’s Effect On Your Teeth

All citrus fruits, due to their acids, can damage your teeth. This is especially true for lemons. They contain high amounts of citric acid that quickly wears away at the enamel of your teeth.
Enamel is hard to grow back and once it’s severely damaged, it can even be irreparable.

Signs of enamel erosion include:

  • Tooth Discoloration – Enamel gives teeth their white appearance. Once it wears away, the teeth may have a yellow tint because dentin, the substance that formes the inside of your teeth, is showing through.
  • Transparent Edges – If the edges of the teeth are transparent, this is a sure sign that they enamel is thin and not as strong as it should be.
  • Tooth Sensitivity – The dentin is exposed to the nerve of the tooth. Therefore, if the enamel is being eroded, the inside of the tooth is exposed to temperatures that make eating or drinking cold things uncomfortable.

How To Get Around These Risks

I mean, you don't really want to give this up, do you?
I mean, you don’t really want to give this up, do you?
Wait! Don’t give up on lemon water just yet. Despite the potential for harmful effects, there are things you can do to prevent damage. Here are a few:
  1. Try cold lemon water instead of warm lemon water. This will reduce the amount of available acid that can touch your teeth.
  2. Don’t brush your teeth immediately after drinking lemon water. This will wear away the enamel even more as the citric acid is still fresh on your teeth. Before you do brush, rinse your mouth with water.
  3. Drink lemon water carefully so that it does not touch your teeth or drink with a straw so that it bypasses your teeth.
  4. Try lemon essential oil instead. It has all the benefits, but the oil is made from the lemon peel not the fruit. This makes it healthier for your teeth! 1 -2 drops in a glass of water is perfect!